The practical, purposeful, front pasture kind.
Our Priorities
Our goal is simple; to keep the commercial cow-calf operator profitable, sustainable, and maintaining their legacy. We understand what priorities are necessary to breed cattle that keep you in business.
The marketability of EPDs has unfortunately become all too commonplace. Having witnessed it firsthand, utilizing them as the primary selection tool of seedstock has compromised the country’s cow herd. How often do you hear a commercial cattle producer say, “We had to cull her because her ProS Index just wasn’t high enough...” … Never. Those decisions are based on mothering ability, foot and udder quality and efficiency. It’s likely, we will never have that “Top 5%” cow or bull on the place. Simply put, it just hasn’t worked for us.
A majority of our emphasis is placed on phenotype; what does a cow need to be equipped with to raise a profitable calf and remain within the herd? Performance, mobility, efficiency, and fertility are a few. It’s obvious, we like cattle that are attractive too. Having an extensive background in livestock selection, we like Red Angus cattle we are proud to walk through.
Our doors are always open. We welcome you to tour the cowherd anytime throughout the year.